
our team short

Our Team

With over 80 years of collective financial services experience, our team is the one resource you can rely on for independent, straightforward insight, advice and investment management solutions. Our independent advisors act in a fiduciary capacity to offer custom evaluation of your unique financial situation and provide personalized insight to help you work toward your goals. We are available to help guide you with investment management, tax planning, retirement & income planning, college planning, estate & legacy planning; we offer advice on insurance, budgeting, maximizing Social Security, as well as philanthropic giving.

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Jeffrey Markewich Wealth Advisor/Financial Planner/Insurance Specialist Jeffrey.Markewich@lpl.com

Jeff Markewich is an investment and insurance management professional with over 25 years of financial services experience. Jeff began his career in 1995 with the New York Life company, where he became an expert in insurance planning (life, disability, long-term care, estate planning) and a registered representative. Jeff holds an investment advisor designation. His licenses include Series 6, 7, 63, 66, and insurance through LPL Financial. As a full-service wealth advisor, Jeff guides clients through a comprehensive evaluation of their current situation and helps them identify shortcomings and opportunities.


Paul O’Hara, CFP®
President/Financial Planner/Chief Investment Officer

Paul O’Hara is a wealth management professional and financial planner with over 25 years of Wall Street experience. Paul holds the prestigious Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) designation. He is a fiduciary and holds Series 7, 24, 55, and 63 securities and insurance licenses. His expertise includes financial market and investment analysis, design of risk-managed portfolios and financial planning. Paul and his wife Allison have enjoyed raising two wonderful children in Colorado since 2006. In his free time, he coaches high school basketball and enjoys skiing and hiking.

George Krasnopolskiy
Wealth Advisor/Financial Planner/Insurance Specialist

Georgiy (George) Krasnopolskiy is a Russian Jewish Immigrant who came to the United States as a child. He was always mathematically inclined and grew up competing in chess. George’s math and interpersonal skills led him to the financial industry. His ability to plan strategically, to explain mathematical concepts and his drive to help others are what he brings to the table for clients.